Facts About Susan Courtney

  • Sex: Female
  • Birth: 1855 in West Buckland, Devon 1,2
  • Occupation: 1871; Domestic Servant 3
  • Occupation: 1881; General Domestic Servant 4
  • Residence: 1861; Tucker's, West Buckland, Devon 5
  • Residence: 1871; Tucker's, West Buckland, Devon 6
  • Residence: 1881; West Buckland, Devon 7
  • Death: Unknown

Parents of Susan Courtney


  1. 1881 Census of England & Wales
  2. England & Wales, GRO Original Birth Indexes 1837-2006
  3. 1871 Census of England & Wales
  4. 1881 Census of England & Wales
  5. 1861 Census of England & Wales
  6. 1871 Census of England & Wales
  7. 1881 Census of England & Wales

Key to Symbols

  • Ancestors symbol: Ancestors of this individual have been researched
  • Descendants symbol: Spouses/partners and any descendants of this individual have been researched
  • Other spouses symbol: This individual has other spouses/partners